Barkio Blog

Discover the latest news, tips, and stories from the dog world.


December 15, 2021

Pawcellent year of 2021: Better Barkio

Dear pet parents, throughout the year, we’ve been working hard to fulfill your wishes on how to improve the Barkio app. We obediently listened to many of your requests and turned them into new and amazing features in the app. Let’s take a look at what we’ve accomplished together this year. Shared Activity log You can now easily share the Activity ...

December 01, 2021

Paw-tumn update: share your dog’s activity

Christmas is around the corner and that’s the perfect time to give you an early Christmas present - a new app update. Let’s unwrap the gift, shall we? Share your dog’s activity You can now easily share the Activity log with another family member or a vet to discuss your dog’s behavior. Go to the Activity log, choose one of the recordings, and tap t...

September 15, 2021

Choose your dog’s appearance

We constantly improve the app to provide you with the most personalized and reliable experience. Let’s take a look at what’s new in the newest version 3.1. Customize Barkio with the dog avatar The first feature is about your dog’s appearance. You can select from multiple colored options of pre-made avatars. The making of the avatars was inspired b...

July 22, 2021


Desktop version update: new "mini window" function

Dear pet parents, we’re excited to share the newest update in our desktop version of Barkio. Let’s meet the “Mini window”. When you’re using your laptop for dog monitoring, sometimes it’s really hard to manage the screen estate, especially when you’re working and monitoring your dog at the same time. For this particular reason, we added a feature ...

July 20, 2021


Motion detection, improved notifications, and more

Dear pet parents, we hope you're enjoying summer in its full swing. We’re really excited to finally share our newest updates in Barkio (version 3.0.0). Let’s take a look at what’s new! Motion detection When you’re monitoring with Barkio, you already see and hear everything, what your pup is doing. From now on you’ll know about your dog’s movement ...