Barkio Blog

Discover the latest news, tips, and stories from the dog world.

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February 08, 2023

profile imageKatka

First update of 2023: animated previews in Activity log and new animals

Over the last year, we have enhanced Barkio with a number of new features. This year, we're continuing at the same pace and bringing you the first update of 2023. Mobile app development is moving forward quickly, and we're working hard to incorporate the latest technologies into Barkio. At the same time, we are inspired by you because we are creati...

December 12, 2022

Pawcellent year of 2022: Better Barkio

Dear pet parents, throughout the year, we’ve been working hard to fulfill your wishes on how to improve the Barkio app. We obediently listened to many of your requests and turned them into new and amazing features in the app. Let’s take a look at what we’ve accomplished together this year. In 2022, the Barkio app received a total of 13 updates. Th...

December 06, 2022

With Barkio you can now monitor your dog even in the dark

Now you can monitor your dog also in low light conditions. The freshly released version of the Barkio: dog Monitor app is a game-changer. With a new feature called Low-light mode Barkio now allows you to see your dog at night or in any low-light condition. The Low-light mode automatically enhances the video when there is poor lighting around so tha...
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October 06, 2022

Kids and Dogs: Health issues

Many parents are worried about having a baby/kid and dog under one roof. Mostly, this fear is connected with the assumption that the home must be absolutely clean while bringing the newborn in and that doesn’t go along with having a dog. If not, it can cause health issues. But is it really true? We are going to dig a little bit deeper into this top...

September 08, 2022

Kids and dogs safety rules

Even though you have a kid-friendly dog, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to be careful while letting it play with your child. Here are several safety rules that can help you prevent an accident. Never let your preschool children with your dog without supervision. Also, be aware that puppies are very playful - sometimes a bit too much, so watch them...